Bone Scan

₹ 1599

₹ 2799

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A bone scan is a nuclear medicine test. This means that the procedure uses a very small amount of a radioactive substance, called a tracer. The tracer is injected into a vein. The tracer is absorbed in different amounts and those areas are highlighted on the scan. When cells and tissues are changing, they absorb more of the tracer. This may indicate the presence of cancer.


₹ 6,000

42% off

Useful for Patients

Early Detection of Cancer

Detection of Cancer Relapse

Monitoring of cancer therapy.

Test Details

Sample Type

Analysis of CTC Markers

Cancer type

All types of Cancers

Final results

7–10 days

Sample Size

7–10 ml peripheral whole blood


A bone scan is a test that can help doctors diagnose problems with your bones. It is a useful tool for finding cancer that has started in or spread to the bone. It can also help your doctor check how well treatment is working for cancer in the bone.
A bone scan is an extremely sensitive diagnostic test that can detect minor bone irregularities. Doctors can use this test to diagnose suspected bone diseases, identify the cause of unexplained bone pain, and monitor a person’s response to treatment.
A bone scan carries no greater risk than conventional X-rays. The tracers in the radioactive substance used in a bone scan produce very little radiation exposure. The risk of having an allergic reaction to the tracers is low.
A bone scan requires no special preparation, Your doctor may give you a mild sedative to help you relax if you think you’ll have problems sitting still for that amount of time.

Oncodiscover Tests

Every Cancer is Unique
But all cancers have one thing in common

“Circulating Tumour Cells”

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