
₹ 1599

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A biopsy is the removal of tissue from any part of the body to examine it for disease. Some may remove a small tissue sample with a needle while others may surgically remove a suspicious nodule or lump.

Most needle biopsies are performed on an outpatient basis with minimal preparation. Your doctor will give you instructions based on the type of biopsy being performed. Tell your doctor if there’s a possibility you are pregnant. Discuss any medications you’re taking, including blood thinners such as aspirin and herbal supplements, and whether you have any allergies – especially to anesthesia. Your physician will advise you to stop taking blood thinners for a specific period of time before your procedure, and you may be told not to eat or drink anything for eight hours beforehand. Leave jewelry at home and wear loose, comfortable clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown.

₹ 12,500

₹ 13,500

42% off

Useful for Patients

Early Detection of Cancer

Detection of Cancer Relapse

Monitoring of cancer therapy.

Test Details

Sample Type

Analysis of CTC Markers

Cancer type

All types of Cancers

Final results

7–10 days

Sample Size

7–10 ml peripheral whole blood


A biopsy is the removal of some cells or tissue, fluids or growths for examination. The sample can be taken from any part of your body. It’s sent to a laboratory for testing and is looked at under a microscope.
The biopsy results help your health care provider determine whether the cells are cancerous. If the cells are cancerous, the results can tell your care provider where the cancer originated — the type of cancer. A biopsy also helps your care provider determine how aggressive your cancer is.
Depending on the biopsy procedure, possible complications include: Excessive bleeding (haemorrhage), Infection Puncture damage to nearby tissue or organs, Skin numbness around the biopsy site.
Temporarily stop taking certain medications, such as aspirin or blood thinners. Don’t eat or drink before the procedure. Your healthcare provider will also want to know: All medications you take, including herbal supplements, vitamins and over-the-counter products. Any allergies you have, including latex, which is in the gloves worn by your healthcare team who will perform your biopsy. Any current illnesses/medical conditions. If there’s any chance you’re pregnant.

Oncodiscover Tests

Every Cancer is Unique
But all cancers have one thing in common

“Circulating Tumour Cells”

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