MUGA Scan Test

₹ 1599

₹ 2799

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A multiple-gated acquisition (MUGA) scan is an outpatient imaging test that looks at how well the bottom chambers of your heart (ventricles) are pumping blood out into your body.

The MUGA scan uses a chemical compound called a tracer and an imaging device called a gamma camera to provide your doctor with images of your heart.

This scan is primarily used to see how much blood leaves your heart with each contraction, which is known as your ejection fraction. The results can help your doctor check for heart conditions if you’re experiencing abnormal heart-related symptoms.

The test is also often used to see if your heart is healthy enough for chemotherapy treatments for cancer. If this is the case, it’ll be performed before and during chemo treatments to keep an eye on your heart.

₹ 4,750

₹ 5,225

42% off

Useful for Patients

Early Detection of Cancer

Detection of Cancer Relapse

Monitoring of cancer therapy.

Test Details

Sample Type

Analysis of CTC Markers

Cancer type

All types of Cancers

Final results

7–10 days

Sample Size

7–10 ml peripheral whole blood


A multigated acquisition (MUGA) scan is an imaging test to see how your heart pumps blood. It measures a percentage called ejection fraction (EF). Your EF is the percentage of blood that your heart pumps out each time it contracts. Your healthcare provider may order a MUGA scan to check for conditions such as heart failure.
There aren’t many risks associated with a MUGA scan. The level of radioactivity produced by the tracer material and the camera is extremely low and isn’t known to cause any short-term or long-term damage to your body.
A MUGA scan typically is performed to evaluate how well the heart is pumping blood. It can help a healthcare provider understand why someone might be experiencing symptoms such as angina (chest pain), dizziness, tiredness, or dyspnea (shortness of breath).

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