Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET-CT) Scans

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A positron emission tomography scan is known as a PET scan. PET scan is a type of test that may be used in cancer treatment. It can be done along with a CT scan. If so, doctors call it a PET-CT scan. But you might also just hear it called a PET scan.

For some types of cancer, a PET-CT scan is a way to help find cancer and learn its stage. Stage is a way to describe where the cancer is and if it has spread. Doctors also learn information about the stage if and how the cancer is affecting your body’s functions. Knowing the stage of cancer helps you and your doctor choose the best treatment. It also helps your doctor predict your chance of recovery.

₹ 9,999

₹ 11,000

42% off

Useful for Patients

Early Detection of Cancer

Detection of Cancer Relapse

Monitoring of cancer therapy.

Test Details

Sample Type

Analysis of CTC Markers

Cancer type

All types of Cancers

Final results

7–10 days

Sample Size

7–10 ml peripheral whole blood


A positron emission tomography scan is known as a PET scan. PET scan is a type of test that may be used in cancer treatment. It can be done along with a CT scan. If so, doctors call it a PET-CT scan. But you might also just hear it called a PET scan.
For your PET scan, a radioactive drug (tracer) will be injected into a vein. Because the amount of radiation you’re exposed to in the tracer is small, the risk of negative effects from the radiation is low. But the tracer might: Expose your unborn baby to radiation if you are pregnant.
A PET/CT exposes you to about 25 mSv of radiation. This is equal to about 8 years of average background radiation exposure

Oncodiscover Tests

Every Cancer is Unique
But all cancers have one thing in common

“Circulating Tumour Cells”

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